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A Brief History of Everything (14th Dec 22 at 12:40am UTC)
A Brief History of Everything
no one knows,outdoor endless pool, incidentally,hot tub spa manufacturers, how high the number of elements might go, though anythingbeyond 168 as an atomic weight is considered “purely speculative, jacuzzi bath spa ,outdoor spa manufacturers, ” but what is certain is thatanything that is found will fit neatly into mendeleyev’s great scheme. the nineteenth century held one last great surprise for chemists. it began in 1896 whenhenri becquerel in paris carelessly left a packet of uranium salts on a wrapped photographicplate in a drawer. when he took the plate out some time later, he was surprised to discoverthat the salts had burned an impression in it, just as if the plate had been exposed to light. thesalts were emitting rays of some sort. considering the importance of what he had found, becquerel did a very strange thing: heturned the matter over to a graduate student for investigation. fortunately the student was arecent émigré from poland named marie curie. working with her new husband, pierre, curiefound that certain kinds of rocks poured out constant and extraordinary amounts of energy, yet without diminishing in size or changing in any detectable way. what she and her husbandcouldn’t know—what no one could know until einstein explained things the followingdecade—was that the rocks were converting mass into energy in an exceedingly efficient way.
marie curie dubbed the effect “radioactivity.” in the process of their work,garden jacuzzi tub, the curies alsofound two new elements—polonium, which they named after her native country, and radium.
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